Possibilities of writing letters in modern era

             How to know the importance of writing letters?...

                               Importance of Letters In Human in daily life

  A student can get scholarships very easily by writing letters effectively indicating his merits and academic excellence in various exams.

   It is on account of the above reasons that every one of us must cultivate the art of writing letters very effectively and convincingly.

   Many great poets and writers such as Keats, Shelly, Gray, Hazlitt, Carlyle, Rossetti and Macaulay have been appreciated as good letter-writers.

   A good letter reveals the mind and personality of a person. A good letter must inspire and motivate
the recipient of it into action.

  Every letter should have a particular purpose we should not be inclined to write a letter unless we feel the need to do so.

  Writing a good letter is not so easy as we think and at the same time, there are no hard and fast rules to teach one how to write letters. By constant practice and patience, one can become a good letter writer.

 If you make the habit of reading the letters written by eminent personalities, you may have a general idea about how letters are written why forcefully and effectively.

  It may be pointed out that letter writing ability is a sign of a good education. Our education remains incomplete unless we develop the ability to write good letters.

  It is indeed very difficult to explain the need and importance of letters in the life of and individual as well as on organization.

  So, it is suggested that every one of us must pay proper attention to this wonderful art of letter writing.

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