Taraweeh a source of sawab during Ramadan
Taraweeh a source of Sawab during Ramadan
Is Taraweeh is neither Fard nor Wajib?
Is it Wajib to offer Taraweeh Prayer with the congregation?
No, Offering Taraweeh Prayer with the congregation is not Wajib but it is 'Sunnat-ul-Muakkadah' Alal Kifayah', i.e. if all the people in Mosque miss it they all will be considered to have committed an undesirable act.If a few people offer it with the congregation, then those offering individually will remain deprived of the reward of the congregation.
Can we offer Taraweeh Prayer at home or at any other place with a congregation instead of a Mosque?
It is preferable to offer the Taraweeh Prayer with the congregation in Mosque. If Taraweeh is offered with the congregation at home, there will be no sin of the missing congregation. However, the Sawab of offering it in Mosque will not be granted.
After offering the Fard of 'Isha with the congregation in Mosque, one can offer Taraweeh at home or in a public hall, Instead of Mosque, offering the Fard of 'Isha prayer with the congregation at home or in a hall, etc. without Shari permission is a because of missing a Wajib.
Can Taraweeh Prayer be offered in a sitting position?
Timing of Taraweeh Prayer
The time for Taraweeh Prayer begins offering the Fard of 'Isha and ends at 'Subh-e-Sadiq'. If Taraweeh Prayer is offered before the Fard of 'Isha, it will not be valid.Usually, Taraweeh Prayer is offered before Witr Prayer, but if someone offers Witr Pryer first, Taraweeh Prayer may be offered after it.
If Taraweeh Prayer is missed, there is no Qaeda for it.
Shari ruling for offering Taraweeh Prayer lead a minor Imam
Can Taraweeh Prayer be led by a minor Imam who has not reached puberty?No, Only minors can offer the Taraweeh Prayer led by a minor Imam. If an adult joins the Taraweeh Prayer led by a minor, the Prayer of the adult will not be valid.
Recitation of Quran during Taraweeh Prayer
What is Shari ruling on reciting or listening to the entire Quran during Taraweeh Prayer?
Reciting and listening to the entire Holy Quran is not recited during Taraweeh Prayer is Sunnat-ul-Muakkadah.What should be done if the entire Quran is not recited during Taraweeh Prayer due to any reason?
If the entire Quran could not be recited due to any reason, one can recite any Surah in the Taraweeh Prayer. If he wants, he can recite the last ten Surahs i.e. from'أَلَمْ تَرَ كَيْفَ' until 'وَ النَّاسِ'twice, this will make it easier to remember the number of offered Rak'aat.Should'بِسْمِ اللهِ الرَّحْمنِ الرَّحِيمِ'be recited loudly or in low voice during Taraweeh Prayer?
It is Sunnah to recite'بِسْمِ اللهِ الرَّحْمنِ الرَّحِيمِ' once loudly, whereas reciting it in a low voice before each Surah is Mustahab.
Is it Sunnah to recite'بِسْمِ اللهِ الرَّحْمنِ الرَّحِيمِ' loudly if Taraweeh Prayer is being offered with only last ten Surahs?
No, If Taraweeh Prayer is being offered with only last ten Surahs, then reciting loudly is
'بِسْمِ اللهِ', not Sunnah.
How should the Holy Quran be completed in Taraweeh Prayer?
The Muta' akhkhireen i.e. the scholars of the later period have declared it Mustahab to recite 'قُلْ هُوَ اللَّهُ أَحَدٌ' three times at the completion of the recitation of the entire Quran. Furthermore, recitation from' الٓمّٓۚ' to' الْمُفْلِحُوْنَ' in the last Rak' at is also preferable on the day of the completion of the recitation.Should one stop offering Taraweeh Prayer after the completion of the recitation of the entire Quran?
Keep offering Taraweeh Prayer up to the last night of Ramadan even if the recitation of the entire Quran completes on the27th night or before it because it is Sunnat-ul-Muakkadah.Should the Holy Quran be recited fast or slowly during Taraweeh Prayer?
The Holy Quran should not be recited fast during Taraweeh Prayer but medium pace. There are different references: One should recite the Holy Quran slowly in Fard Pryer and, at a medium pace, in Taraweeh Prayer.Fast recitation in Nawafil of the night is permissible. However, words should be clearly understandable, i.e. at least the minimum requirement set by Qurra for pronouncing a letter Madd........should be fulfilled. Otherwise, it is Haraam, because we have been commanded to recite the Quran slowly.
What is the ruling for the Huffaz who recite very fast these days?
Even worse, they boast others about their speed of recitation. Reciting the Quran in such a manner is severely Haraam.
If a Haafiz misses some words of the Holy Quran while reciting the Holy Quran fast, will the Sunnah of reciting the entire Quran be fulfilled?
If Haafiz misses even a single letter of the Holy Quran, the Sunah of reciting the entire Quran will unfulfilled.
What should be done if a letter of any Ayah is missed or mispronounced?
If even a single letter is missed or mispronounced, so it should be recited again properly without feeling shyness. Then Haafiz should then carry on.
Cases in Which One May Make mistakes or Forget
What should be done if the Taraweeh Pryer becomes invalid due to any reason?
If the Taraweeh becomes invalid due to some reason, the Surah or the part of the Quran recited during the invalid Rakaat should be repeated so that the recitation of the entire Quran will not remain incomplete.What should the Imam do if he misses an Ayah or a Surah by mistake and continues to recite?
If Imam misses an Ayah or a Surah by mistake and then continues to recite, it is Mustahab to recite the missed part first and then carry on.
If someone forgets to sit for Qa'dah after two Rak'aat in Taraweeh Prayer, What should he do?
If the one who has forgotten to sit for Qa'dah after two Rak'aat has not yet performed the Sajdah of the third Rak'aat
he should sit and complete his Prayer with a Sajdah Sahw.
In case of performing Sajdah of the third Rak' at, he should complete the fourth Rak'aat as well, but these four Rak'aat will be counted as two. However, if he has performed Qa'dah after two Rak'aat, they will be regarded as four Rak'aat.
If somebody does not sit after the second Rak'aat and performs Salam after the third Rak'aat, then these Rak'aat will not be valid; he will have to offer a new set of two Rak'aat then these Rak'aat again.
If people forget the number of Rak'aat offered in Taraweeh Prayer, What should you do?
After performing Salam, if there's a difference of opinion over the number of Rak'aat, so what Imam says on the basis of his memory will be accepted in this case. If the Imam is himself doubtful, then he should accept the opinion of the one he considers reliable.:
If people are in doubt whether twenty Rak'aat were offered or eighteen they should all offer two Rak'aat individually.
What is meant by Taraweeh Prayer?
The break taken after every four Rak'aat in which people sit for rest for as long as four Rak'aat are offered is called 'Taraweeh' which is Muxtahab.
What should be done or recited during Taraweeh Prayer?
During Taraweeh Prayer, it is allowed to remain silent, to recite Salat-'Alan Nabi, to do Zikr or to offer Nafl Prayer individually. The following Tasbin can also be recited:
سُبْحانَ ذِي الْمُلْكِ وَالْمَلَكُوتِ سُبْحانَ ذِي الْعِزَّةِ وَالْعَظَمَةِ وَالْهَيْبَةِ وَالْقُدْرَةِ وَالْكِبْرِياءِ وَالْجَبَرُوْتِ سُبْحانَ الْمَلِكِ الْحَيِّ الَّذِيْ لا يَنامُ وَلا يَمُوتُ سُبُّوْحٌ قُدُّوْسٌ رَبُّنا وَرَبُّ المْلائِكَةِ وَالرُّوْحِ اللَّهُمَّ أَجِرْنا مِنَ النّارِ يا مُجيرُ يا مُجيرُ يا مُجيرُ
How to take a wage for leading Taraweeh Prayer?
How is it to take a wage for leading Taraweeh Prayer?
Paying money for reciting the Holy Quran and doing Zikr for the Isal-e-Sawab of a deceased person is Haraam.
Both the giver and the taker are sinners. In fact, 'expecting a reward for committing a sin a much more severe sin'.
Both the giver and the taker are sinners. In fact, 'expecting a reward for committing a sin a much more severe sin'.
If wage for leading Taraweeh Prayer is not fixed but either people or the Mosque administration gives something, so will it be permissible to take it?
If the wage for leading Taraweeh Prayer is not fixed and people or the Mosque administration gives something, then it is not permissible to take it. A fixed amount of money is not the only form of a wage.
If a Haafiz recites the Holy Quran in a particular Mosque because he knows that people will give him something for it, then whatever they give him will be considered wage even if a formal agreement is not made.
If a Haafiz recites the Holy Quran for praise, fame or for showing off his speed of recitation, he will not be rewarded at all, instead, he will fall into the pit of ostentation and love for respect.If a Haafiz recites the Holy Quran in a particular Mosque because he knows that people will give him something for it, then whatever they give him will be considered wage even if a formal agreement is not made.
If a Haafiz does not receive money but he recited the Holy Quran for praise, fame or for showing off his speed of recitation, will he be rewarded?
Therefore, sincerity is necessary not only for the Imams who lead Taraweeh Prayer, and the committees that appoint him but also for the people that offer Taraweeh Prayer.
Miscellance rulings
If someone wants to offer Taraweeh in different Mosques, is this correct?
Yes, If someone wants to offer Taraweeh Prayer in different Mosques, he can do that but he should keep in mind that he should not miss any part of the Holy Quran.
For example, there are three Mosques in which one and a quarter part of the Quran are recited every day; he may go to these three Mosques one by one on different nights.
What is the ruling for those who keep sitting until the Imam perform Ruku?
Those who keep sitting and waiting until the Imam bends for Ruku' should keep it in mind that this act of theirs is similar to that of hypocrites. It is stated in Ayah 124 of Surah An-Nisa:
اِنَّ الۡمُنٰفِقِيۡنَ يُخٰدِعُوۡنَ اللّٰهَ وَهُوَ خَادِعُوْهُمۡ ۚ وَاِذَا قَامُوۡۤا اِلَى الصَّلٰوةِ قَامُوۡا كُسَالٰى ۙ يُرَآءُوۡنَ النَّاسَ وَلَا يَذۡكُرُوۡنَ اللّٰهَ اِلَّا قَلِيۡلً
Indeed the hypocrites are under the impression they may deceive Allah. In fact, He will destroy them after making them heedless. And when they stand to offer Prayer, they stand lazily. They show off to people and do not remember Allah but only a little.
Therefore, one should join the congregational Prayer without delay. If the Imam, While leading the congregational Fard Prayer, has stood straight after performing Ruku', one should immediately join the congregational Prayer during Sajdah, etc. When there is no Shari exemption.
Likewise, if the Imam is offering the first Qa'dah, one should not wait for him to stand up. Instead, one should immediately join the congregational Prayer in the first Qa'dah. If one has joined the congregational Prayer during the first Qa'dah and the Immam has stood up, one should not stand up before reciting complete 'Attahiyyiaat'(in case of starting it).
Likewise, if the Imam is offering the first Qa'dah, one should not wait for him to stand up. Instead, one should immediately join the congregational Prayer in the first Qa'dah. If one has joined the congregational Prayer during the first Qa'dah and the Immam has stood up, one should not stand up before reciting complete 'Attahiyyiaat'(in case of starting it).
Can a person offer Fard Prayer of 'Isha led by one Imam and the Taraweeh Prayer led by another Imam?
There is no harm in offering the Fard of 'Isha lead by one Imam and the Taraweeh Prayer led by another Imam and the Witr Prayer by a third Imam.
Sayyiduna Hazrat 'Umer Farooq-A'zam(R.A)used to lead the Fard and Witr of congregational 'Isha Prayer while Sayyiduan Hazrat Ubayy Bn Ka'b(R.A) used t lead congregational Taraweeh Prayer.
Importance of Taraweeh Prayer
Taraweeh was one of the deeds the Beloved Muhammad( S.A.W )use to rehearse in the long stretch of Ramadan. There are various conventions of The Beloved Rasool (PBUH) detailed by various Companions of His, as per which Hazrat Muhammad (PBUH) used to offer 20 Rakats of Taraweeh during the long stretch of Ramadan.
The lines beneath give those customs and the idiom of our Beloved Rasool (PBUH) in such a manner also.
It is described by Hazrat Ibn Abbas (RA):
"The Prophet (PBUH) would say 20 Rakats and afterward Witr in the long stretch of Ramadan." (Qashqai)
From this portrayal of Hazrat Ibn Abbas (RA), plainly offering twenty Rakats of Taraweeh after Isha petition is a Sunnah of Prophet (PBUH) and the Witr of the Isha supplication were offered after the Taraweeh by Him.
Hazrat Abu Dhar Ghifari (RA) describes in similar respect in an accompanying way:
"We (the Companions) watched the fasts of Ramadan with the Prophet (PBUH). In the entire month, the Prophet (PBUH) didn't lead us in the petition, until there were 7 days left in the month. The Prophet (PBUH) at that point drove us in the petition on the 23rd, 25th and 27th night." (Abu Dawood)
This portrayal shows that Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) lead the assemblage of the Taraweeh prayer during these three evenings of Ramadan. Relating to those evenings of Ramadan, Hazrat Aisha (RA) portrays the accompanying :
"After these evenings (23,25 and 27th) the gathering developed to an exceptionally enormous number on the 29th night. The Masjid of the Prophet (PBUH) had gotten completely filled. On this night, the Prophet (PBUH) just turned out to lead the individuals for the Fajr supplication.
After the Fajr petition, the Prophet (PBUH) expressed: 'I realized that you had accumulated for the night supplication (Taraweeh) however I expected that this petition would get mandatory (Fard) upon you and you would think that it's hard to satisfy." (Bukhari)
This hadith of Prophet (PBUH) shows the loftiness of the status of Taraweeh. Prophet (PBUH) abstained from offering it in the assembly since He expected that it may get the status of Fard and afterward the individuals of the Ummah would think that it's difficult to offer it in gathering all through the entire month.
To the extent, the quantity of Taraweeh Rakats performed by prophet Muhammad (PBUH) is worried there is a distinction of sentiment with respect to the number. Some state the number was eight; some state the number was twelve, while the others state it was twenty.
In spite of the fact that most Muslims follow the 20 Rakats in Taraweeh convention, in any case, none of the schools of contemplations repudiate on the significance and importance of Taraweeh in the long stretch of Ramadan.
Rule of Caliph Sayyiduna Abu Bakar (RA)
During the rule of Hazrat Abu Bakar (RA), the Companions proceeded on offering the Taraweeh supplication in Ramadan either independently or as little gatherings in their particular mosques.
Rule of Caliph Sayyiduna Umar (RA)
It was in the rule of Hazrat Umar (RA) that Taraweeh picked up the stature that it appreciates today relating to its contribution in gathering.
Hazrat Abu Rahman container Abdul Qari (RA) describes:
"I left one night in Ramadan with Hazrat Umar container Khattab (RA) and we headed towards the Masjid e Nabwi.
In the Masjid we saw different gatherings of individuals supplicating alone or behind an Imam and they were dispersed over the Masjid. Umar receptacle Khattab (RA) settled on a choice to gather every one of the individuals behind Hazrat Ubay ibn Ka'ab (RA)." (Bukhari)
The motivation behind why Hazrat Umar (RA) requested that individuals offer Taraweeh in one gathering is the way that as Prophet (PBUH) was not alive around then and the Deen was finished, thusly, there was zero chance of it turning into a Fard.
Consequently, if Muslims performed it with gathering it would present to them a similar compensation without making the Taraweeh a Fard.
Since the hour of Hazrat Umar (RA) the contribution of Taraweeh in the assembly has become a piece of the day by day Ramadan supplications for every one of the Muslims.
Rule of Caliph Sayyiduna Usman (RA)
In the rule of Hazrat Usman (RA) a similar convention of offering Taraweeh in assembly proceeded and Muslims proceeded on offering Taraweeh petition in gathering.
Rule of Caliph Ali (RA):
Relating to the contribution of Taraweeh in the rule of Hazrat Ali (RA), Hazrat Abi Abdur Rahman Salmi (RA) describes:
"In the evenings of Ramadan, Hazrat Ali (RA) called upon the reciters of the Quran and requested one among them to lead the individuals in twenty Rakats of Taraweeh. Hazrat Ali (RA) would lead the individuals himself in the Witr Salah." (Sunan Kabeer Baihaqi)
Advantages of Taraweeh Prayer
Taraweeh petition isn't just the wellspring of remuneration by Allah Almighty yet additionally has numerous profound and physical advantages which are examined beneath:
This extraordinary petition improves physical and passionate wellbeing. The delicate here and their developments, including Sajdah and Ruku, performed while imploring improves physical and enthusiastic wellbeing just as upgrades the perseverance of the individual asking.
It has been accounted for those individuals who quick the entire day and afterward perform Taraweeh petitions around evening time feel progressively prosperous.
Taraweeh reestablishes Muscle quality in matured people. As individuals get more seasoned, their physical exercise diminishes, which brings about diminishing of their bones. The rehashed developments during Taraweeh supplications improve the joint adaptability, muscle quality, and ligament power.
In this way, Taraweeh Prayer improves stamina, self-assurance, and dignity of the old individuals in acting naturally supporting.
Another bit of leeway of Taraweeh is to support visiting the mosque most for offering this unique petition all the more frequently in the gathering.
Taraweeh Prayer gets all Muslims together from various different backgrounds at one spot.
Taraweeh Prayer likewise brings solidarity among Muslims everywhere throughout the world.
Rehearsing the demonstration of offering this exceptional petition for the whole month of Ramadan fortifies Muslims' confidence and urges Muslims to do what satisfies Allah Almighty and what fulfills Him.
Taraweeh Prayer makes us adore more which thusly gives a tranquil rest.
This exceptional Prayer carries us closer to Allah Almighty as well as gives us an opportunity to do some physical activity which prevents us from eating a lot and remains solid and fit.
It likewise improves the memory with the nonstop recitation of the stanzas from the Holy Quran, screening the brain from inbound contemplations.
As customary developments during the Taraweeh are a type of activity, they assist ignite with bringing down calories.
A decent dinner at Sahoor and Iftar followed by Taraweeh Prayer can enable an individual to diminish weight.
So, every Muslim must have a go at offering Taraweeh normally and not take it calmly during Ramadan. May Allah Almighty invigorate us to offer this extraordinary prayer (Taraweeh) in this Holy month of Ramadan consistently! May Allah, it is so.
Wrap up
Basically, the noteworthiness of Taraweeh and it's being one of the prescribed deeds in Ramadan is obvious from the life of Prophet (PBUH) and its recognition in the rules of various Caliph.
In this manner, each Muslim must take a stab at offering Taraweeh routinely and not take it calmly during Ramadan. May you offer the Taraweeh Prayer every year during Ramadan in your life.
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